Blender-2.8: Error

Hello Guys,

I know its been a long time, i have really been very busy.

This solution is only for windows.

Now i’ll come directly to the point Blender 2.8 yes its out!!!!!!!

This for anyone who is facing installation problem with blender 2.8 and people who use maya for creating tools by creating PYTHONPATH env var.

Below is the link of the error that i was facing

Blender internal error

Solution for this(courtesy Harshad)


Just delete the PYTHONPATH from environment variable and that fixes the internal error.

Guys i’ll try to be more consistent.

Take care and enjoy Blender 2.8


Maya: How to add shelf to env?

Hello guys,

The below mentioned link is the reference link to add shelf path to the Maya.env,

Setting environment variables using Maya.env

This is for windows,


(Note: Documents path is the path that comes in the right hand side of the explorer)

  1. create a folder in any drive path: D:\All_Projs\Maya_Projs\shelves
  2. open maya create a new shelf named: test, save all the shelves(assuming the user is familiar with maya)
  3. go to path C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents\maya\version\prefs\shelves
  4. cut your shelf: shelf_test.mel
  5. and paste it to created folder from point 1
  6. go to path: C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents\maya
  7. create a file named Maya.env or if its created just open it in any text editor
  8. you need to create a shelf variable and paste the path like this : MAYA_SHELF_PATH = D:\All_Projs\Maya_Projs\shelves\;
  9. and save it
  10. open maya and check the shelf
  11. with this just create your custom shelf and keep saving them in the same folder
  12. there is a possibility that you might get an error in the maya output window on the top as fatal error, then kindly check the path if it exists or not

Thank You

If you face any problem let me know on