Controller Storage: Sales Status

Hello All,

I had created a tool Named Controller Storage in Year 2020, and then in 2021 I updated the tool and TRIED selling it for 2$, What happened?

Sales of the Tool

One of the coolest website

Animprops –

One of the dumb sites

Gumroad – bloody can’t even find my own tool, forget it and very complicated. If anyone interested to help me ping me in the comments.

Free Version

Controller storage FREE version sold 45 times From July 2020 to September 2022 , thanks to all of the people those who have tried it.

Paid Version

The paid version did not sell at all, 2$ for a tool was an expensive deal lol.

I did a Survey from the people/artists who purchased the free version, to understand the requirements and if they will pay for the tool or not, I got tremendous amount of feedback – 2 🤣.

I was seeking for some answers to improve, so i came across Autodesk forums – And I received really good constructive criticism – and I know people are not going to click to the link 😁 – so below is the message

from Today onwards I have made the updated tool free as well.


So as per me the tool is a hit, I was not expecting more than 1 person(that is me)to use it. Experiment of keeping the paid product in the market helped me understand certain things, eg: asking questions, survey’s, updates, at what point one should make tools paid, etc. These are few of them I need to work on from next time. Hopefully I’ll come with a better update for the tool next time, lets see 😄.

That’s all for Today.

Rigging: Controller Storage Update

Hallo, Wie geht’s alle?

excuse my excitement, I am really happy and excited telling you guys regarding the update in my tool. Its really been a long time, I know i don’t update regularly sorry for that guys. So lets cut short and begin

First things first


Then new home to sell stuff(there is going to be a whole page for this thing very soon)


And now the verbose stuff

if you want to know about the tool please read

Maya PySide2: Tool creation My experience and learning

Rigging: Controller Storage

Why was the update delayed

I realized this after a month as i get really less time to work on something but anyway i moved on with another approach and its done.

I know in the above posts i had told clearly “i am not going to update the tool” but i have did it because i used it and it sucked so i had to and if it sucked for me it will suck for the people who are going to use it so let me know the new updates.

Now i am really going to move on or am I?

Thank You guys

Take care and be safe inside the house.

Rigging: Basic Info

  • Suffix and Prefix

After spending few years in animation industry in rigging and tech dept i have noticed naming conventions are really important, otherwise you are going to hell because definitely someone is going to curse you.

eg: “l_h_shldr_skn_jnt_01” can be used to filter names in the scene file which reduces the time in selection of joints from outliner for skinning *_skn*

  • Mirror muptiple joints

This is a situation we all face once where we sit for 20 to 30 mins and mirror joints, adjust and repeat, i faced this in my first job. I was going through some videos regarding facial rigging from Judd Simantov. He did something mindblowing mirrored multiple joints at once with the help of script.

import maya.cmds as cmds 
select_jnts = 
for x in select_jnts:
     cmds.mirrorJoint(x, mirrorYZ=True)
  • Orient Joints – Now mixing the above 2 points

All the riggers must be knowing the last joint in a joint chain, I use to name them Null joint

Null – Good for nothing joint

You can name anything you want but name all the last joints with a commom factor so that later you can select all of them with the help of wildcard “*_null*”

import maya.cmds as cmds 
select_end_jnts =
for x in select_end_jnts:
    cmds.setAttr("%s.jointOrientX"%x, 0)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.jointOrientY"%x, 0)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.jointOrientZ"%x, 0)

These are some pointers to those who are new to rigging and interested in scripting.