Unreal: Heads to Foot to Cm

Hello All,

Keeping it short this time.

Table of Contents

Dcc used to execute the tasks
Heads and Cubes in Unreal for RTS Reference
Brevity Resources

Dcc used to execute the tasks

Maya2020, Unreal 4.26.2

Plugins: Perforce VCS-P4V, P4GT for Maya, Unreal 3dTextBeta

Brief Context

Maya is a 3d software I used to create cubes Intentionally

Unreal for testing the camera distance for each character height

Perforce – P4V – version control system for home work or if one wants to share depot with multiple artists(haven’t tried yet ) is by far one of the amazing tool.

P4GT for Maya is from P4V family, will help you save your increments in the depot

for more details — https://community.perforce.com/s/article/2552

Unreal 3dTextBeta is a text plugin for text(lol)

Heads and Cubes in Unreal for RTS Reference

Some great examples

World or warcraft

Rise of Nations

Age of empires





Brevity Resources

You’ll find my verbose work – My Trello Board

How to Create 7ft in DCC instead in Unreal

Unreal and Maya unit setup = cm

how to create 8heads in maya for reference
create 7ft cube in maya
to create 7ft cube– change the unit setup in maya to foot, adjust 7ft height in cube settings.(or directly convert foot to cm from google)
change back the maya unit setup to cm
now the foot has changed to cm in cube settings
to get the sphere radius from 7ft — divide the cm by 2 — 7ft = 213.36cm
213.36cm/2 = 106.68cm
apply 106.68cm in the sphere radius(this is a base value, after this divide by 8)
for 8 spheres — 106.68cm/8 =13.335
increase the cube height subdivisions to 8

now unreal
as per unreal — mannequin model is considered as base height
that is 6ft approx or 180cm

reference notes

How to snap gizmo to polygon face in maya


Well this is it for today people. Have a great weekend!!