Podcast and Pages

Hello guys,

The kind of work we do has very small community online. Among those i am sorting few of them whom i find really interesting.

This page will constantly be updated for the resources and if there is anything you come across that is worth everyone’s time let me know, I will update on the page as well.



They cover topics from Patreon to lawyers to credits to legendary artists worth your time.



If you are disney obsessed this is for you, they have worked for 11yrs in the company and speak about the culture and life at disney as well disadvantage of being a disney artist.



This podcast I stumbled across while i was complaining about naming conventions and organizing workflow. Alexander Richter has thought and executed stuff to name few, open-source pipeline, tools, podcast, and much more. This above his is mini series podcast give it a try guys worth it.

not exactly a podcast but worth your time



This is something for game designers, who are interested in doing well game designing. He has explained from steam to unreal and concepts of 2d and what not. Give it a try.



For daily updates on animation industry, indie, interviews etc. Cartoonbrew check it out.

Unreal Engine: Pulse

The process, overview and glimple of virtual production.

checkout the playlist


I had registered for this webinar, amazing body of work. Immense knowledge of level design and game design. below is the link for his podcast.

webinar: https://animex.tees.ac.uk/index.cfm


Interviews and discussions with game, vfx, 3d, etc industry veterans. Really good insight




ABOUT: A channel made for animators BY animators that work in the industry. You will be able to find useful tips, critiques, demos and podcasts about all things animation related. You might be able to even pick up something that you can add to your workflow!

What you read above is exactly what you get, they give some wonderful tips for animation, some delightful interviews and discussions in the animation industry. A great snack break conversation.



This channel is for fx enthusiasts.(period nothing else)

Yellow Brick Road

In “Yellow Brick Road” we meet the artists behind the visual effects, the magicians “behind the curtain” that bring audiences over the rainbow to worlds where monkeys can fly and nothing is impossible. Every episode focuses on a specific topic, like character design, animation, digital zombie slashing or why some horror characters scare us more than others.

Above info is directly from some of the industry magicians, check it out.

We are the Makers

This website will help you find location of studios, Info and some news regarding them


Art of vfx

This website is for the breakdown nerds and people those who like to understand the process to create vfx



This page is for people those who want to reside in German industry


AIAS Game Maker’s Notebook-Interview Series

Best let the professionals speak for themselves and they quote “A series of in-depth conversations between video game makers on the business and craft of interactive entertainment, exploring the core tenants of D.I.C.E. (Design. Innovate. Communicate. Entertain.) Hosted by Ted Price from Insomniac Games.”

This podcast is for everyone, yes everyone!! because the people those who are getting interviewed are industry veterans and the interviewer as well, they speak about gaming industry from Head to Toe, It is not a banal conversation, it is more like a mediation for upcoming creators, and if this is not enough what is, I doubt!! my personal favourite, pubg, mortal komabt and Giant sparrow.

Elite Game Developers Podcast

This podcast is such a breath of fresh air with a pinch of red chilli powder, yes i mean it because it is raw and real, What i mean to say, they speak business of Games, yes guys MONEY!!, and sometimes to get and sometimes you don’t, but……….

To explore the “but” i recommend you to hear them out, they’ll assert the information that i guarantee is pragmatic.

the episodes that i recommend for understanding the financial jargon’s


There is no verbose stuff for today.

Take care guys.

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